AVA360° Magazine2023-11-03T11:59:38+01:00

AVA360° Magazine

Brother houses

3. November, 2023|

Bruderhäuser completed. Feedback on the occasion of the photo handover by our photographer Eric Kemnitz: "..... Thanks again here too. The pictures turned out really great. We also feel really comfortable in the houses and thank you once [...]

The right architect for your detached house

3. November, 2023|

Building a new single-family home is a complex project with long-term effects on your life. If you have decided against a prefabricated house and in favor of the quality of individual planning by an architect, then you have already [...]

The trend: Cubus House

3. November, 2023|

Opinions differ on the Cubus: purist and timeless according to some, clunky and dull according to others. One thing is certain: the Cubus house is the most efficient form of building and, in some variations, is definitely on trend. [...]

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