Opinions differ on the Cubus: purist and timeless according to some, clunky and dull according to others. One thing is certain: the Cubus house is the most efficient form of building and, in some variations, is definitely on trend.

Cubus House + X
If you deliberately want to build puristically, then the Cubus is the basic shape of choice. Even just a few details can add excitement to a building: Façade cladding, angled elements or unusual glass façades – our architects have a large repertoire of stylistic devices for modern architecture.

The cube and the Bauhaus style
The Bauhaus masters have undoubtedly left their mark on modern architecture. The basic cubic shape, timeless design language and flat roof are well-known and very popular features of modern Bauhaus-style houses today.
2 storeys + staggered storey
The base of the Cubus house can be extended at various points. By projecting or recessing the cubature, an L-shape can be created, for example, and an additional staggered storey can create a prestigious city villa.

The cube house template
We have developed a special concept for small plots with limited building windows and budgets: The house template.
Find out more under: Cube house